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For the images, I would set the setting or ask them to act a certain emotion. The black and white one of my mom, I put lighting on her and asked her to look away sad or confused. I also set the image as black and white to make the stand out more as the emotion. For the other portraitist where taken as stressed and happy. I edit the image so it would help show more of there emotions. Like sad and dark,  happy and bright. With the pet shots my dogs are happy so i had her with bright colors.My other dog is more clam and mysterious due to his different color eye. So that helped me with more dark or faded background. My favorite photoshop is the Peter Max edit due to the bright color in the background and the shapes. I think the colors blend well together and it looks very finished.  


Candid Shots 

Pets shot 

Formal Pictures 

Photo Edits 

Extra Pictures 

Extra Pictures 

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